

although i am without my legitimate family this year, i was embraced and welcomed into a new family. ups and downs put together - i really like them. but i do miss my family so much it brought me to tears. i am so unbelievably thankful for them in supporting me in everything that i do. i can't even begin to express how grateful i am for them. i love them, and i can't wait to see them soon :)

i am thankful for justin, too. spending family time with him seems so right. with anybody else, it would have felt really awkward. it's like taking a family portrait, and bringing a boyfriend/girlfriend along. you would want some with them, and with just the family just in case something goes wrong. but - i would want justin in all of them, because i want him in my family forever. he fits. i just know it.

PS- don't ask why i named this entry "turkey" because even i have no clue why

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